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Dr. Nickolai Merzlyakov

Leader of the image restoration sub-project and group in Moscow

22.05.1944 - 21.12.2002


  • Digital Signal Processing and its Applications;
  • Digital Image Processing
  • Informatics, Relational Data Bases,
  • Digital Holography: analysis of optical, radio, acoustical holograms, synthesis the methods and algorithms for calculating, coding and recording of computer-generated holograms and its applications


  • Moscow State University, Department of Physics, Moscow, USSR (Russia), MD in Physics 1963-1969,
  • Moscow Physical Technical Institute, Signal Processing Department, Certificate of Professional Signal Processing Engineer
  • Doctor of Computer sciences and electrical engineering (PhD) (1977) from , Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the USSR (now Russian) Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR (Russia).


  • SPIE member (Russian branch)


  • Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the USSR (now Russian) Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR (Russia), 1969-2002,
    Junior researcher (1969-1972), Researcher (1972-1984), Senior Researcher (1984-1991), Head of the Laboratory of Digital Optics (1991 - present)
    Research in the field of Image Processing (Image filtering, restoration), Signal Processing, Relational Data Bases, Digital Holography: analysis of optical, radio, acoustical holograms, synthesis the methods and algorithms for calculating, coding and recording of computer-generated holograms and its applications. Leader of a number of research anf development projects in the mentioned areas.
  • Author and coauthor of 3 monograph books, more than 130 papers and holder of 8 patents.



  1. L.P.Yaroslavsky and N.S.Merzlyakov "Methods of Digital Holography", Moscow: Nauka 1977 (in Russian).
  2. L.P.Yaroslavsky and N.S.Merzlyakov "Methods of Digital Holography", N.Y.-L., Plenum Press ,1980.
  3. L.P.Yaroslavsky and N.S.Merzlyakov "Digital Holography", Moscow: Nauka, 1982 (in Russian).


  1. L.I.Rubanov, N.S.Merzlyakov, V.N.Karnaukhov and N.M.Osipova, "Strategy of creation of digital archives accessible through the Internet", in: Internet Imaging III, Giordano B.Beretta, Raimondo Schettini, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4672, pp.181-189 (2002).
  2. I.Aizenberg, C.Butakoff, V.Karnaukhov, N.Merzlyakov, and O.Milyukova. "Blurred Image Restoration Using the Type of Blur and Blur Parameters Identification on the Neural Network", SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 4667, 2002 (accepted).
  3. V.N.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov, N.M.Osipova and L.I.Rubanov "Development of electronic data bases on the base of Russian Academy of Sciences archive", Russian Archives, No 6, 2001, pp. 35-40 (in Russian).
  4. E.Wenger, V.Karnaukhov, A.Haidinger, N.Merzlyakov, G. van Thienen, E.Oukhanova and D.Erastov "A Distributed Database and Processing System for Watermarks: an INTAS Project". Proceedings of EVA'01, Moscow, Centre PIC of Ministry Culture of Russia, STG, Moscow, 2001, 200-206.
  5. A.Karnaukhov, N.Merzlyakov, O.Milyukova, V.Karnaukhov, E.Wenger, I.Aizenberg and V.Karnaukhov "Digital Restoration of Watermark Images". Proceedings of EVA'01, Moscow, Centre PIC of Ministry Culture of Russia, STG, Moscow, 2001, 196-199.
  6. E.Wenger, V.Karnaukhov, A.Haidinger and M.Stieglecker "A Digital Image and Database System for Watermarks in Medieval Manuscripts". In: David Bearman and Franca Garzotto, editors, ICHIM '01 Proceedings, Cultural Heritage and Technologies in the Third Millennium, Milano, Italy, 2001, pp. 259-264.
  7. L.I.Rubanov, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov and N.S.Merzlyakov "Interactive systems for digital processing, visualization and saving of the archiving images", Proc. od the 3rd Int. Conf. "Digital Signal Processing and its Application" (Moscow, November 29 - December 1, 2000), RNTORES - ICP RAS, 2000, pp. 118-123.
  8. A.V.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov and O.P.Milukova "Multifunctional digital model of the image distortion and restoration" Computer Optics. Vol. 20, 2000, pp. 118-121 (in Russian).
  9. V.N.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov. and L.I.Rubanov "Integration of Image Processing and Database Management Systems" Proc. of the First International Conference on Image and Graphics, August 16-18, 2000, Tianjin, China, pp. 665-668.
  10. I.Aizenberg, N.Aizenberg, T.Bregin, C.Butakov, E.Farberov, N.Merzlyakov and O.Milyukova "Blur Recognition on the Neural Network based on Multi-valued Neurons" Proc. of First International Conference on Image and Graphics, August 16-18, 2000, Tianjin, China, pp. 127-130.
  11. V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Concepts for the creation of the digital archive of Russian Academy of Sciences", Computer Optics. Vol. 19, 1999, pp.188-192 (in Russian).
  12. I.M.Bockstein, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Automation of archival image database population". Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 8, No.4, 1998, pp. 582-600.
  13. I.M.Bockstein, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Digital restoration, enhancement, and archiving of photo-documents". SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3346, 1998, pp.350-356.
  14. V.N.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov, M.G.Mozerov, L.I.Dimitrov and E.Wenger "Digital Display Holograms", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, V 29, 1998, pp. 361-367.
  15. N.S.Merzlyakov and M.G.Mozerov "Computer-generated true-color rainbow holograms", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 29, 1998, pp. 369-376.
  16. I.M.Bockstein, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Digital restoration, enhancement and archiving of photo-documents". SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3346, 1998, pp. 350-356.
  17. I.M.Bockstein, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Automation of Archival Image Database Population", Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Vol. 8, No 4, 1998, pp.582-600.
  18. I.M.Bockstein, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Development of archiving images data bases on the base of the modern technologies of their processing and saving" Computer Optics. Vol.17, 1997, pp.116-124 (in Russian).
  19. V.N.Karnaukhov, A.P.Kozhevnikov, N.S.Merzlyakov and M.G.Mozerov "Methods, tools, and digital image processing in multimedia". SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3348, 1997, pp.246-251.
  20. I.M.Bockstein, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Digital image processing of archival photo-documents". Optical Information Science & Technology. Computer and Holographic. Optics and Image Processing. SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 3348, 1997, pp.226-232 (1997).
  21. I.M.Bockstein, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov, L.I.Rubanov., and G.A.Bogatova. "Digital Restoration and Archival Handwritten Texts", Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. Vol.7, No.3, 1997. pp. 379-390.
  22. N.S.Merzlyakov. "Austria-Russia, scientific collaboration", Interview to the magazine New Journal of Vienna, No 5, 1997, p.21.
  23. N.S.Merzlyakov "Digital Holography and Virtual Reality", Interview to the program "Computer" of Russian TV company NTV, April, 1997.
  24. I.M.Bockstein, N.A.Kuznetsov, N.S.Merzlyakov and L.I.Rubanov "Possibilities and means for the digital restoration of the archived handwritten texts", Information technologies and computing systems, No 1, 1997, pp. 1-15.
  25. M.G. Mozerov and N.S.Merzlyakov "Computer-generated true-color rainbow holograms", SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 2363, 1995, pp.173-177.
  26. L.I.Dimitrov, V.N.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov, M.G.Mozerov and E. Wenger E. "Large-scale computer generated holograms", SPIE Proceedings Vol. 2321, 1994, pp.554-557.
  27. V.N.Karnaukhov, N.S.Merzlyakov and Yu.N.Ovechkis "Synthesis of hybrid optical-digital rainbow holograms and stereoholograms", Optics Communications, Vol.42, No.1.
  28. L.P.Yaroslavsky and N.S.Merzlyakov "Information display using the methods of digital holography", Ņomputer Graphics and Image Processing, No 10, 1979, pp.1-29.
  29. L.P.Yaroslavsky and N.S.Merzlyakov "Visualisation of the information using digital holograms", Doklady AN SSSR (Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR), Vol. 237, 1977, pp.318-321.

Last Updated
Wed, March 12, 2003 22:45