Dr. Olga Milukova
Image restoration sub-project,
senior researcher in the Moscow group
E-mail: milukova@iitp.ru
Image Restoration
Probabilistic and deterministic image models;
The theory of solving ill-posed problems;
Many-dimensional variations of sets and functions
Moscow State University, Department of Physics, Moscow,
USSR (Russia), MD in Physics, 1964-1970.
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the USSR
(Russian) Academy of Sciences, PhD course, 1970-1974.
Doctor of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (PhD) (1982)
from the Department of Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow,
USSR (Russia). Doctoral thesis "The restoration
of images, distorted by linear systems".
Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the USSR
(now Russian) Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR (Russia), since
Junior researcher (1974-1986), Researcher (1986-1991), Senior Researcher
(1991 - present)
Research in the field of Image Processing (Image restoration including
pioneer work on in development the effective nonlinear methods
in image restoration based on the use of function variations; Image
filtering), Signal Processing, probabilistic and deterministic
image models.
Author and coauthor of more than 70 journal and conference papers
on image restoration, image models, theory of solving ill-posed